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The SIMPLE 6 for Resistance Training

Updated: Jun 16, 2021

" Simple Six + Good Cardio = Good, Simple & Effective Workout"

The #SIMPLES6 is one of the "old school" fundamental movements that help people in their fitness regimen. These exercises help improve formation, posture, balance, muscular strength, and endurance. Anyone can perform these exercises. Try this: Place these six together plus 15 min to 20 min of cardio, you will experience a good, simple, and effective workout.

Key Fact: Group muscles should be trained first before single muscles. Equipment isn't required to perform these exercises, but some people utilized them to increase the intensity of their workout.

Opinion Recommendation: Learn and perfect the formation of these exercises before adding any weight equipment. The proper formation can prevent any injury. The better the form, the better results.


1. Push-ups aka Moving Plank

Push-ups are like a moving plank. The thought of doing it may seem simple, but if you've ever attempted or performed this type of exercise, you know it can come with some challenges. I believe that push-ups are made to perfection by practice. Of course, you're not going to get it on the first try. But once you do, you'll find yourself doing more than expected.

How to perform:

First, start with knees (optional) and palms on the ground. Then, inhale as you bend both arms to a 45-degree angle and exhale as you bring your body back to starting position.

Form Points:

  • Have the head is nice and aligned with the body. (Keep an eye on the floor)

  • Keep your hips from sinking to the floor and your butt from going up in the air.

  • Relaxed your shoulders.

  • Keep your feet at least shoulder-width apart.

  • Engaged your involved muscles

Involved Area /Muscles:

A. Upper Body

  • Chest; Pectorals

  • Shoulder; Deltoids

  • Back of your arms; Triceps

B. Mid Body

  • Abdominal Muscles

2. Squats

When performing squats, the first thing we think about is building their glutes but not their legs. Squats develop and tone the glutes and target and build other group muscles in the lower body.

How to perform:

Stand with your feet shoulder apart while pointing your toes slightly outward. Next, inhale as you bend your knees 45-degree angle, allowing your arms to follow forward or come to your chest. Finally, exhale as you press your heels to the ground while extending the knees back to neutral.

Form Points:

  • Keep shoulders relax and chin away from the chest.

  • Keep knees away from the toes. (Not leaning forward)

  • Utilize the back of your heels when extending your knees back to neutral.

  • Engage involved muscles

Involved Area /Muscles:

A. Lower Body

  • Back of the thighs; Hamstring

  • Front of the thighs; Quadriceps

  • Lower Back

B. Mid- Body

  • Abdominal Muscles

3. Lunge aka "Step & Dip."

Similar to squats, lunges improve the strength and structure of the lower body. Lunges are very simple to perform, but be sure that your body form is correct; this prevents pressure on the knee or injury in general.

How to perform:

Start by stepping out with one foot forward. As you inhale, bend both knees to a 90-degree angle while keeping the front knee behind the toe and keeping the upper body upright. Return to starting position, then step out with the other foot repeating the same steps: step out and dip.

Form Points:

  • Keep Shoulders Relax and Chin away from the chest.

  • Keep Knees away from the toes (Not leaning forward)

  • Keep your upper body upright.

  • Keep Eyes Straight

  • Use the wall to assist with balance, if needed.

  • Engage your core muscles.

* If you feel a little pain in the knee, please stop immediately.

Involved Area /Muscles:

A. Lower Body

  • Back of the thigh; Hamstrings

  • Front of the thigh; Quadriceps

  • Butt; Gluteus Maximus

B. Mid-Body

  • Abdominal Muscles

4. Pull-ups

Second to push-ups (maybe even first), pull-ups are the hardest and can be the most hated exercise to perform. Pull-ups require upper body strength; no weights are needed. Though this exercise can be tough to do, it's one of the best.

How to perform:


Have someone assist you or using the pull-up machine with an assistant bench at your gym.

First, start with gripping the bar width apart from your shoulders. Continue to hang until you feel that your position is stable enough to continue to the next step. Then, inhale as you drive your chest up towards the bar until your chin is slightly above the bar. Lastly, exhale as you lower down carefully.

Form Points:

  • DO NOT grip the bar so tightly; this causes venous pooling (blood pooling). In other words, stop the blood from flowing.

  • If you are new to this or don't normally do it, have someone exist for you.

  • Allow your eyes to follow the movement of your body.

  • Engage all involved muscles

Involved Area /Muscles:

A. Upper Body

  • Mid-back to Lower-back; Latissimus Doris (Lats)

  • Front of the Arm; Biceps

  • Back of the Arm; Triceps

  • Top of the shoulder; Deltoids

  • Upper Back; Trapezius

  • Mid-back; Thoracic Erector Spinae

B. Midbody

  • Abdominal Muscles

5. Crunches

Crunches are the top most exercise that many people perform to sculpt their abs. Other exercises can target the upper abdominal muscles, but crunches are the original "OG" of ab exercises. But crunches can place pain in some areas of your body if not performed correctly—for example, the neck.

How to perform:

First, lay on your back while planting both feet on the floor. Next, shape diamonds with your hands and place them on the back of your head. You can also put your arm as an "X" across your chest. Next, inhale as you contract your abs and exhale as you lift your upper body while keeping your head and shoulders relaxed. Lastly, inhale as you return to the starting position.

Form Points:

  • Keep your chin away from your chest.

  • Note that your hands aren't there to pull yourself up but for head support.

  • Relax any non-involvement muscles.

  • Engage Core Muscles

Involved Area /Muscles:

A. Mid-Body

  • Abdominal Muscles

6. Sit-ups (All the way crunch))

Sit-ups are known to be one of the most fundamental exercises when targeting the abdominal muscles. The difference between sit-ups and crunches is the angle of the body and muscle involvement when in motion.

How to perform: (Similar to Crunches)

First, lay on your back while planting both feet on the floor. Next, place your arms as an "X" across your chest or your hands on your knees. Inhale as you contract your abs and exhale as you lift your upper body to your knees. While keeping your head and shoulders relax. Lastly, inhale as you return to the starting position.

Form Points:

  • Keep all non-involving muscles relaxed.

  • Keep your chin away from your chest.

  • Keep your feet on the floor. Note: Have someone or something hold your feet while performing sit-ups.

Involved Area /Muscles:

A. Midbody

  • Belly; Abdominal Muscles: rectus abdominis, external and internal obliques, iliopsoas, and rectus femoris.

God Bless.

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