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Stretching: Where and How do we start?

Updated: Jul 5, 2020

Stretching is often compared to Yoga. However, stretching only requires a little time and effort. While there are many rewards for stretching, the best one is improving one's life quality. Sounds good, right, but how do we begin? Where do we start?

The best part about stretching is that it requires little to no equipment, and you can perform stretching exercises anywhere. Get to a quiet and comfortable space, create a playlist of your favorite jams, and free up at least ten minutes of your time. If this is all we need, let's get started.

Keep it Simple

Keep note that Yoga and Stretching are two different techniques of flexibility. Choose up to 4 to 5 basic stretches that are doable. These exercises may be challenging but they're straightforward. Take your time mastering the basic practices before you move forward to the next stretch.


For the record, it's okay to perform modification stretches before you take it up a notch. Stretching may cause pain or discomfort. Discomfort is okay, but if you feel pain, stop immediately and consult your physician. You never want to stretch to the point of feeling pain. Modifications stretching exercises can lead to proper formation and muscle involvement. If you are a beginner, never push to the end of perfection. Listen, be kind to your body, and be patient. Freely welcome your modification exercises into your daily stretching practices.

Ask God to direct and assist you and believe that He can, and He will!

Anytime and Anyplace.

Stretching practices is one of the most versatile methods than any other. Stretching can happen anywhere. You may receive the "side-eye" from others around you, but stay focus and keep breathing. When performing these exercises, meditation isn't required. Remember, this isn't YOGA! Your stretching can happen while you're cooking, watching t.v., during your lunch break, in the A.M., or before you head to bed. These practices will allow your body to become accustomed to mobility.

Breathing is your relaxation.

To a few, stretching becomes neglected when performing challenging exercises. As we begin to stretch, we focus so much perfection, and to breath. Breathing helps reduces the challenge of these exercises. It also improves circulation and keeps oxygen flowing through the body's cells and relaxes the muscles. Remember this, breathing will help you stretch to the point of relaxations and not perfection.

Try this: Prepare for your exercise, begin to inhale deeply into your abdomen from your nose, which cleanses and warms the air for your lungs, exhale as you start your stretch in a slow, relaxed manner. Notice the difference?


Pray? Yep!, you heard me right. Invite God into your session, even if it's just five to ten minutes. As we began to perform new stretches, our muscles aren't equipped to endure the discomfort, which causes us to stop before we start. Before every practice, ask God to direct and assist you and believe that He can, and He will!

God Bless.


Diamond-Walker, Natasha; Striano, Philip (DC). "Stretching for Beginners." 2019.

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